Monday, February 27, 2012


protecting yourself early
 “[Protandim is] something that I never thought I would take advantage of…I don’t like to take medicine, I don’t like to take pills; I don’t like to take Advil or aspirin when I have a headache, I just suffer through it, but now that I know that I have Protandim, it’s just an awesome experience.” – Monique Holmes
 “In January of 2008 I was 32 years old & I had a stroke. (…) I wasn’t able to practice for about 2 weeks. (…) I didn’t take Protandim to become symptom-free; I’m a doctor, I understand that strokes…they usually debilitate people the rest of their lives. So I wasn’t looking for something that would take away my symptoms, I wanted something that would maybe help me with them…maybe prevent, maybe even postpone [another event] (…) It’s a genetic trait in my family…
“And so I ran into Protandim in June of 2010 & kicked it away because it was network marketing, I didn’t want anything to do with it, never done it before, thought I understood the model…kicked it away. It came back to me several times & the last time it came back to me I was asked to do some research for somebody; not to get on it, not to do the business, but just to research it. So I dove in, started to do research, started taking the product…in December of 2010 I woke up symptom-free.”
– Dr. Nathan Bailey
degenerative discs
 “Back when I was 23 I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, and they said that by the time I hit 50 my spine would be riddled with arthritis, I would be in pain and there would be no hope…” (…) I no longer have any swelling, no pain, no sciatica, and no restless leg syndrome.” — Carla J. Gardiner
 “I’ve suffered & struggled with skin cancer for a number of years (…) I’ve had several surgeries removing skin cancer (…) I had 2 spots on my forehead that my doctor said needed to be removed and one spot on my leg…I was using Protandim and also TrueScience and I’d been using the product for about 6 weeks (…) so after 6 weeks after using Protandim and True Science the 2 spots on my forehead completely disappeared & the spot on my leg completely disappeared as well.” — Nancy Leavitt
 “After about 2 months of taking Protandim my PMS symptoms are completely gone, I haven’t had any hot flashes or night sweats, my hair is not only not-falling-out, it’s growing like crazy, my hair & my nails are growing twice as fast as they were before, I’m sleeping all the way through the night & I have more energy than I’ve ever had…and I’m in my 40s.”

From Protandim'sGift 2-27-12

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